Thursday, May 21, 2009

Rice Counting

Today, I got 1000 grains of rice in which donates free rice to hungry people all over the world. After that David made me count out how many grains of rice are in a tablespoon of rice. It turned out that there are 500 grains of rice in a tablespoon of uncooked rice so 2 tablespoons rice is 1000 grans of rice.

We wanted to know how much rice a single person eats in a single meal. We guessed that one cup is about right. So we calculated that 1 cup of cooked rice is about 5000 grains.

Then since we were on a roll we calculated some prices for mulch. One cubic yard is 27 cubic feet. We learned that it is much cheaper to buy mulch in bags then having it delivered in bulk.

1 comment:

  1. Really? I always figured that mulch would be cheaper in bulk, but I've always bought it in bags so I wouldn't have to shovel it up and take it to my garden. I did find a place where I can get bigger bags of local mulch, and I like that. I'm so glad to know this!
    Actually, you're quite the fount of useful information. I've played the rice game, and I didn't think 1000 grains of rice was very much. Apparently I was right. Thanks for doing this research for me.
    I already wrote a comment, but they didn't like it and it disappeared. I hope this one works.
